Conviction – What else? (Überzeugung – oder was sonst?)


Part 3 of: Drawing Balance (Rechenschaft)

The pensioner Otto Liesch
betrayed Germany to Poland.
They gave him two years
for his despicable deeds!

I heard it! Every word!
He told the Poles:
The future of Germany is foggy grey[1]
with loads of soldiers! Shhh!

Walter Mehring

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I am going to prison! (Ich muß sitzen!)

Carl von Ossietzky

Carl von Ossietzky

Part 1 of: Drawing Balance (Rechenschaft)

I will shortly be entering a Prussian prison to serve the eighteen months to which the 4th criminal court condemned me on 23rd November last year for treason and the betrayal of military secrets, so the moment in which I must relinquish my position at the Weltbühne has arrived. Such an externally imposed caesura is the right moment to account for and justify what has happened in the last few months, and at the same time to fill in the background against which the Weltbühne case arose.

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